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Meet the expert fisherman and designer of the Afri Jig


Garreth Coombes is in Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika, gebore. Sy familie besit en bestuur Fancy-Free Fly Fishing Retreat. Garreth was blootgestel aan hengel tydens somer vakansies na die familieplaas in Zimbabwe. Garreth het die grondbeginsels van beide vlieg sowel as 'n konvensionele toerusting op 'n baie vroeë ouderdom onder die knie gekry. Hy was gelukkig om uit 'n gesin te kom wat graag reis, en het baie eksotiese plekke besoek waar hy begin het om sy visvangvermoë te ontwikkel. Op hierdie reise het hy kennis gemaak met alle soorte visvang, Die foto's bring hulde aan sommige van sy eerste ervarings wat later in sy lewe 'n groot toneel speel, As 'n jong man het hy geswoeg met Marlins van 1000lb en verskeie ander pelagiese spesies wat meeste vissermanne as die top 10 beskou.

Garreth was aktief betrokke gedurende sy laat tiener jare en vroeë volwassenheid by die South African Bass Circuit wat spog as een van die kompiterende op die vasteland van Afrika. Sy passie vir hengel en sy vaardigheid om groot visse met kunsaas te vang, het hom die komende jare as 'n ernstige mededinger op die plaaslike Bass Circuit geplaas. Hy het na 'n paar jaar besef dat hy nie 'n volhoubare loopbaan sou kon maak met net Bass visvang nie, en het sy aandag begin vestig op die opbou en bemarking van Sekoma Island Lodge .

Sekoma Island is 'n toonaangewende visbestemming wat in Zambië aan die Kasai-kanaal geleë is. Dit spog met van die mees ongerepte waters vir die Afrika-tiervis (een van die vurigste varswater roofdiere ter wêreld) en bied 'n wonderlike verskeidenheid varswaterspesies. Die Kasai-kanaal is een van die unieke gebiede van die Zambezi waar daar 'n jaarlikse gebeurtenis plaasvind van vloedwater wat in die Kasai-kaneel terug getrek word al die pad van die vlaktes af. As u nie vertroud is met hierdie natuurlike migrasie nie, is dit waar duisende aasvisse wat in beskutte kwekerye op die vloedvlaktes was, tot die vreugde van die roofvisse en voëls in die Kasia gestort word.


Garreth se passie vir visvang het hom aangespoor om van die mees ikoniese spesies ter wêreld te bestudeer, en dit het hom so ver gelei as die oerwoude van Bolivia en die strande van Mexiko. Hy was invloedryklik op die Suid-Afrikaanse vissertoneel en het baie kontakte tot die bedryf. Garreth het toegerus met al sy ervaring en kennis, Afri G-Avonture gevorm, wat 'n uitruster en bestemming bemarking maatskappy is wat unieke en "een keer in 'n leeftyd" ervarings aan vissermanne bied.

As kundige visserman is Garreth altyd gevra watter kunsaas die beste vir 'n spesifieke spesie en tyd van die jaar werk. Hy het gou besef dat daar 'n behoefte was om 'n kunsaas te ontwikkel wat by die meeste toestande sou pas, en wat in staat sou wees om te voldoen aan baie verskillende visvangstyle, toestande en wat 'n basiese herwinning behels. Aangesien Garreth se jeug hoofsaaklik vlieghengel behels en sy vroeë volwassenheid, Bass-visvang, het hierdie ervarings uitgeloop op 'n samesmelting van die benaderings en so is die Afri Jig gebore.


Afri Jigs is ontwikkel met fyn visvang in gedagte. Hulle is veelsydig genoeg om langs die bodem te spring of diep te swem. Dit word van hoë gehalte materiaal gemaak en is geskik vir die meeste visvang toestande. Die profiel van die kop en liggaam sorg vir 'n gladde en realistiese profiel in die water. Afri Jigs is getoets en produseer dikwels vis as die omstandighede moeilik is.

The Original Afri Jigs - Game Changers

"As a young lad, he toiled with 1000lb Marlins and various other pelagic species that are in the top 10 of most fisherman's bucket lists."

Garreth's love for fishing led him to actively participate in the highly competitive South African Bass Circuit during his late teens and early adulthood. His passion for catching sizable fish on artificial lures made him a serious contender on the local Bass circuit. However, after a few years, he realized that he needed to diversify his interests and began to focus on building and marketing Sekoma Island Lodge.

Sekoma Island is a premier fishing destination located on the Kasi Channel in Zambia. It boasts some of the most pristine waters for the African Tigerfish, one of the fiercest freshwater predators globally, and hosts an array of different freshwater fish species. The Kasai channel is a unique area on the Zambezi and home to the annual phenomenon of floodwaters receding from the plains into the Kasai channel. This natural migration is a spectacular event, with thousands of baitfish that have been sheltered in nurseries on the flood plains, being dumped back into the Kasia channel - much to the delight of predatory fish and birds!

"His passion for fishing fuelled his desire to pursue some of the most iconic species in the world and led him as far afield as the jungles of Bolivia and the beaches of Mexico."

With his extensive experience and knowledge in the fishing industry, Garreth has become a well-respected figure on the South African fishing scene and has forged many affiliations within the industry. Drawing from his years of expertise, Garreth founded Afri G Adventures - a bespoke outfitter and destination marketing business that offers fishermen unique and unforgettable experiences.

At Afri G Adventures, Garreth's team specializes in crafting personalized and tailor-made trips that cater to the specific interests and needs of each client. Whether it's freshwater fly fishing, saltwater fishing, or even a combination of both, Afri G Adventures offers a diverse range of experiences that guarantee to thrill and delight any fishing enthusiast.

"As an expert fisherman, Garreth was always asked which lures work best for a particular species and time of year."

Garreth's extensive experience in both bass and fly-fishing made him realize that there was a need for a versatile lure that could adapt to different fishing styles and conditions. He set out to design and develop a lure that could stand up to the most challenging fishing environments and would be suitable for a basic retrieve. After much experimentation and research, Garreth successfully fused different fishing approaches, and the result was the birth of the Afri Jig.

The Afri Jig is a game-changing lure that has been expertly crafted to deliver outstanding results across a wide range of fishing styles and conditions. Its unique design and construction make it one of the most versatile lures on the market, and its ability to perform consistently in different environments has earned it a dedicated following among fishing enthusiasts. Garreth's passion for fishing, combined with his vast knowledge and experience, have made the Afri Jig one of the most sought-after lures in the industry.

"Afri Jigs, designed with finesse fishing in mind."

The Afri Jig is a highly versatile lure that can be used for a variety of fishing styles and conditions. Whether it's bouncing along the bottom or swimming at depth, the Afri Jig's unique design and high-grade materials make it a reliable choice for any fishing enthusiast.

The lure's sleek and lifelike profile is due to the carefully crafted shape of the head and body. This design feature ensures that the Afri Jig delivers a realistic and enticing action in the water, making it an irresistible target for predatory fish.

The Afri Jig has been extensively tested under challenging conditions and has proven to be a dependable choice for anglers who want to maximize their chances of success. Whether you're targeting bass, tigerfish, or any other predatory fish, the Afri Jig is a lure that will help you to achieve outstanding results.

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